Just think, we only have four more months in this year left. *Jaw drops* It's mind blowing!
But! I am determined to enjoy every moment while it's here.
We went to the State Fair the other day! I've always loved the fair... but, Oh Boy! There were a LOT of people! It seemed busier than ever the day we went! But still, we went and had a great time! Ate a lot of fried food, walked until we couldn't walk anymore... The usual!
Does anyone else have a tradition of going to the Fair every year? I'd like to know!
Just a question... Am I the only one who thinks this weather has been strange? One day it feels like it barely hits 50, and the next day it feels like someone dumped a truckload of water into the air and turned on a heater!☺
Anyways, I just had to bore you with that little spur of randomness. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things... Blog wise.☺
Oh! If you have a minute to listen to this song... Do! It's amazing!
Until Next Time,