Saturday, December 15, 2018

When Change Happens...

Wow... I think I took the whole "Missing In Action" thing to a whole new level. It's rough people! Why can't I seem to post on here anymore? I literally have like 60 posts awaiting publication, but I can't seem to either post them or finish them and post them. Goodness Gravy!

Well, how is everyone? If you're still reading this blog... Congratulations! I honestly can't believe it. But... Good for you! You're a true inspiration for me on never giving up on people.

So, I honestly just wanted to pop on here and let everyone know that I'm not dead, and I didn't fall off of the planet (trust me, it's not possible but somehow I'd find a way). I also wanted to just share with you all how thankful I am for change. I mean... kinda thankful for change, but even more thankful for my Jesus bringing me through all of the change in my life. It's pretty amazing!

I think most everyone can say without a doubt that they are not the same person they were at the beginning of the year. Right? I mean, whether you've grown physically, mentally, or spiritually... you've grown! And you can't grow without some change being thrown in here and there.
This year I've felt a lot of change in the air. But, I'm so thankful to have that change, for without it there would be no maturity sprouting within me.

I wanted to encourage you and let you know that change happens! Now, that's not encouraging for those of us that don't appreciate change... But, there's more!

Change happens.


But God never changes.

Think about that for a second! It's really profound.

I was realizing the other day that I can't change God. He is no different now than when I wasn't here. When I sin, it doesn't change how He views me, or how He views the world. His plan is still the same. Before I was born, He loved me. When I was lost in my sin, He loved me. When I surrendered myself at the foot of His cross, He loved me. Right now, He loves me. Tomorrow, He will still love me. His purposes will still be the same tomorrow as they have been since 1865 or even 189 A.D. I can't change any of that. But, the best part is...

His love is perfect!

His purposes are good! 

He is good!

When I think of the change in my life, I can usually point to a specific person in my life that brought about that change. It could be myself. It could be Phillip down the street (sorry Phillip). We're human and we change. But how often can I say that change was good? Or how often can I say that change didn't affect me in a negative way? Rarely. -Like I said... I really don't like change.- But it's brought me so much comfort to know that my God will never change, and He is always the same! Not a soul can change that, and no greater comfort can be found in the midst of a turbulent twist in life.
My God Is Good, And He Will Never Change!

“Of old, You founded the earth,And the heavens are the work of Your hands.  “[y]Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing, You will change them and they will be changed. “But You are [z]the same, And Your years will not come to an end.

Psalm 102:25-27

I find so much encouragement in this truth! Whatever change comes my way, I can trust my God to be good, faithful and never changing through it all!
What a peace fills my heart as we prepare to take on a new year that is bound to be filled with lots of change. ☺
Now, before I sign off... I figured it might be wise to give an appropriate farewell just in case you don't hear from me in the next three years. 

So, Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
And Happy Thanksgiving for 2021! 

So, until next time, I pray you're finding Fulfillment, Everlasting Joy, and overwhelming Peace this Christmas season and on through the next year.

~Makayla ♥

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